Radipole RSPB, Radipole Park Drive, Weymouth, Dorset DT4 7TZ
Tel No: 01305 778313
Visitor centre with drinks machine. Toilet facilities (disabled too) are available.
Opening and Closing Times:
Visitor centre - daily 9 am to 5 pm, 4 pm in winter; hide - 8.30 am to 4.30 pm. Centre and hide closed Christmas and Boxing Day.
Area Description:
A mosaic of reedbeds, open water, flood meadows and bushes that provides shelter for an abundance of entomological and ornitholigical delights is split by several easy access paths that are suitable for wheelchairs and pushchairs.
The excellent visitor centre is a must start for your trip around Radipole. |
Best times to visit:
Any time of year really with birds at their best from late August to May with passage times always worth a visit. Early morning can be most profitable.
Key Flora:
The plant species at Radipole is an impressive 200+ so the botanist has plenty to keep him occupied at this special reserve. Cuckoo flower, Meadowsweet, Water Forget-Me-Not, Yellow Iris and Purple Loosestrife are obvious with Star Wort and Water Crowfoot being the outstanding picks of the aquatic flora. There are 2 species of orchid in residence these being Southern Marsh and Pyramidal.
Radipole is primarily reedbed and lagoons but a diverse variety of wildlife can be seen. |
The main diversity of plant life are the reeds, sedges and rushes which will test anyone's ID skills to their limits.
Key Fauna:
The birdlife is generally always good at Radipole with a nice selection of common resident species. Despite being in the middle of a seaside town the reserve holds some specialities such as Cetti's Warbler and the secretive Water Rail. Kingfisher hunts here and the wildfowl selection is quite good with Shoveler, Wigeon, Mallard, Tufted Duck and Pochard increasing in numbers during winter. Mute Swan is abundant as is Coot and Moorhen.In winter Bittern, Snipe, Lapwing and Redshank are possibilities. Little Grebes and Grey Heron become easier to see as the weather turns colder.The summer months hold a nice selection of odanata with Small Tortoiseshell and Peacock being the main butterflies in residence.Over 450 species of moth have been recorded here.